A Moose! A Moose! And Choosing The Right Medium For Your Work
12:20 PM
I have to admit that every time I see a moose of any sorts I sing that silly camp song "A moose, a moose, swimming in the water!" in my head. And sometimes not in my head. It's a nostalgic melody that plays the rest of the day, and despite me trying to convey the nostalgia to my husband as I hum that crazy song, I am alone in the sentiment. He has no idea what song I am talking about, and I've forgotten all the words expect for that one line.
As I was reading through it again, I was impressed by the section on drawing materials. It said, "keep an open mind about what to use for different types of drawings, and experiment with a variety of materials to see what they feel like to use and what effects they can produce." No brainer, right? Well, I love how simple things like that can teach any level of artist, because it made me think how that applies to all aspects of drawing and painting!